For Young People

Build Evidence:

Presenting your findings

Do you want to tell someone else about the impact you’ve made, or what you’ve learned from the process? Do you need to convince someone else of the issues? This is called presenting your findings.

You can present your findings in a number of different ways. The best way to do it will depend on who you are telling and why. For example, if you want to present your findings to a politician, you might write a formal letter outlining your concerns, what your research has found, and what you would like to see done about it.

Writing a report

A report is a formal way of presenting your findings to a broad audience of readers.

Generally, a report is divided into:

  • title page
  • contents page
  • introduction.

This sets the scene for the reader, by giving background, setting the scene, explaining why you have come to research this area or topic and what your starting goals or aims were for your research, your project, or any action you have taken.

  • Methodology

This section explains what you did, and how you did it – the methods you used.

  • Findings

This section shows exactly what you found out – the facts. Using graphs, charts, tables or infographics is a good way to make any data you have gathered more engaging.

  • Discussion

In this section, you can discuss what the findings mean. Your interpretation will show the reader which findings are important, and why. 

  • Conclusions

This section sums up what you’ve found.

  • Recommendations

What should be done from now – any changes that you think need to take place, or solutions you have for any problems that were found.

An executive summary is something included after the contents page. This is a short one-or two- page overview of the report, outlining the purpose, methods, conclusions and any recommendations. It’s there for people who don’t have time, or don’t want, to read the full document. 

Get creative

Whoever you are going to present your information to, you need to make sure that the format you present it in is meaningful and relevant to that audience. While a written report is good, don’t be afraid to also present your findings in a creative ways, like

  • video
  • music
  • art
  • poetry
  • performance.

However you present your findings,

  • use clear, accessible language.
  • explain how the research was done.
  • highlight your main findings and any recommendations you have.
  • make it relevant to the audience you want to influence.

If you are unsure about how to present your findings, ask the person/organisation you want to show about the best way for them to receive it.

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